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Get creative or follow our recommendations on how to combine our delicious gin with different flavors!
6 cl Mill Gin
2 cl Rose´s Lime Cordial or lime juice & syrup
Garnish with a lime twist
Mill Gin Tonic
5 cl Mill Gin
15 cl Elderflower Tonic
Garnish with star anise & lemon zest
Milldori Sour
4 cl Mill Gin
1 cl Midori
3 cl lime juice
2 cl syrup
1 egg white
Strain & garnish with dried lime
Tom Collins
5 cl Mill Gin
3 cl lemon juice
2 cl syrup
Garnish with lemon
4 cl Mill Gin
1 cl Creme de Violette
1 cl Maraschino
1 cl lemon juice
Garnish with maraschino cherry
2 cl Mill Gin
2 cl red vermouth
2 cl Campari
Garnish with dried orange or zest
Dry Milltini
5 cl Mill Gin
1 bar spoon Pernod
Garnish with grape or lemon zest
Mill Elderflower Sour
4 cl Mill Gin
1 cl elderflower liqueur
3 cl lemon juice
2 cl syrup
1 egg white